Monday, June 3, 2013

My name is Allyson Poag

I'm Allyson (with a y) Poag.
I am a Nursing major, which may seem like it has nothing to do with writing, but in reality we write a LOT of papers.
And learning to be a good writer also makes you a better communicator, and proper communication is important in all fields, but especially in Nursing.
Writing research papers can be dry, painful and boring, but when I am inspired by my topic, it can actually be kind of fun! No one likes digging through databases or delving into the dusty shelves of the library, but everyone enjoys discovering someone else out there who says something you can agree with or disagree with or at least comment on. That's really what research papers should be like- a conversation.
And anyone who has worked with me, had me in a session, or knows me kind of well knows that I LOVE to talk. I'll talk all day, to anyone who'll listen, about anything. Writing should be like a conversation. For that reason, I love writing, and talking about writing, and talking about anything, in and out of sessions.
One of the biggest concerns we get from students here is grammar, but in a conversation, it's the message that matters, not grammar.
A piece of advice for all the struggling writers out there: find a facet of writing that you are passionate about, and join in on the conversation.